- Project name Data center DC2 Sazečská
- Investor TTC TELEPORT, S.R.O.
- Division HV and LV installations
- Year 2016-2017
- Location Praha
- Image source Zde
Complete delivery of the high-voltage switchroom consisting of delivery and installation of the data center power supply with high-voltage. The project included delivery and installation of the high-voltage switchboards, transformers 1600 kVA, distribution cables, and installation of the high-voltage switchroom control system. Complete delivery of the low-voltage distribution installations for the data center power supply consisting of the installation of the low-voltage switchboards, busbar system 2500 A, low-voltage switchroom control system, and all related distribution installation for power supply of the data center technologies. The implementation also included the delivery and installation of lighting of the data center and adjacent administrative areas, plus the delivery of the UPS power supply backup source and complete installation of the lightning system, including grounding.